I’ve a confession to make, I hope you don’t mind? I have been leading a double life; most of my friends, family and those who know me professionally know nothing about what really makes me, me. I think it’s time I set the record straight. I am Teresa Jolley and I am the founder of Root2Being. There, that wasn’t so bad was it? So, what’s all this Root2Being stuff about?
Root2Being was launched 9 years ago in April 2005, following 4 years research to find the cause for my otherwise baffling and severe chronic pain and illness. It turns out there is a genetic cause behind flat feet, and by using orthotics to control how our feet work when we take each step, the pain goes away.
Although this genetic problem with the shape of my feet is very common, it was only discovered recently and few people are familiar with
it. I created Root2Being to raise awareness of this problem and help others understand it so they would also have the chance to free themselves from chronic pain and illness as I had been fortunate enough to do.
Root2Being has been successful despite what might appear to be my best efforts to stop it being so. It went live in 2005 and with no changes to the website, content, or metadata, and no advertising or marketing from me until now, it is the global resource on foot shape and function and its links to chronic pain and injury. It has been referenced in training materials and articles, and viewed from nearly every country in the world. With over 100,000 views since 2011, over half of these are in America.
Joining me back together again….
Why then, have I so far chosen to keep Root2Being separate from the rest of my life? I think perhaps the reason is inherent in the very problem I have. When so few people understand the impact this problem has on your life (very often you don’t either), you keep it quiet, and try to sort it out by yourself. You learn not to trust people as you get let down so often, most significantly by healthcare and medical professionals. Sound familiar? I thought so!
Since 2002, while doing my best in my career, the other half of me has been living a kind of reversed life, where my body has been untwisting and releasing the damage that had been developing before I intervened with the orthotics. This ‘backwards’ journey has been a privilege, one where I’ve experienced an unbelievable range of changes and improvements to my health. This proves to me the huge impact such a small physical problem in the foot can have on the entire person, not just physically, but emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
When we play the tape forwards, we can see how, left undiagnosed and controlled, this problem can wreak havoc on a persons life in so many ways, with symptoms and problems arising gradually over time that might otherwise seem completely unrelated. This is the hallmark of many chronic pain cases that the medical profession are at a loss to understand. Could this recently discovered genetic cause for foot shape abnormalities be the key?
I’ve recently found and reunited with my blood family, and learning about their lives and the way this similar genetic problem has impacted them (even though they didn’t realise it) shows a hauntingly familiar pattern.
Ready for the future
I’ve learnt a lot since 2005 and now seems a good time to give Root2Being a facelift and bring this learning together for the benefit of others. As well as the need to understand foot shape and function, better knowledge about food and nutrition, genealogy and even astrology can all help in the healing process.
Root2Being is mobile and social friendly, so please join in on Twitter, Facebook and Tableau Public (yes I’ve applied my data visualisation passion to Root2Being too!) It is a bit scary baring your hidden self for everyone else to see, but I’ll do it for you, to help you and those you love understand and free yourself from otherwise baffling chronic pain. Please treat me, and them, with care.